Low VIX, High Volatility Move?

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  1. Enjoyed the short video. I’m new to your website. I recently purchased your book, “Trading Option Greeks.” I’m about 40% through the book, the first time. This book will become a reference book. I have been doing Options for about 25 years. I have been moderately successful. I am presently writing covered calls on FORD. I have been doing this since F was about $6.00. I have been doing the long leg way out, and doing covered calls close in, pretty aggressively. I have only made three serious mistakes in about a year and a half. One was in June, another at the end of October. Those mistakes were to let the stock price run on me and not covering my short position. The third mistake was that FORD has not had a Dividend in the last several years. I was so intent on what was happening on the short options, that I missed an early assignment of two big positions so the owner of the stock would get the dividend. I ended up paying the dividend. These were all expensive lessons. One “mistake” I have made in my entire business career is letting my overly opportunistic positive attitude get in the way of Risk Management. I am trying to be a smarter investor/speculator. Looking forward to the rest of the book and reading your other materials.

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