About Us
Market Taker Mentoring is the leading resource for option-trader education. All Market Taker instructors are industry veterans with real, hands-on professional trading experience.

Dan Passarelli
Dan Passarelli is an author, trader and former member of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) and CME Group. Dan has written two books on options trading — “Trading Option Greeks” and “The Market Taker’s Edge.” He is also the founder and CEO of Market Taker Mentoring, Inc., a leading options education firm that provides online options education, options newsletters and personalized, one-on-one coaching for option traders.
Dan began his trading career on the floor of the CBOE as an equity options market maker. He also traded agricultural options and futures on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade (now part of CME Group).
In 2005 Dan joined CBOE’s Options Institute and began teaching both basic and advanced trading concepts to retail traders, brokers, institutional traders, financial planners and advisors, money managers, and market makers. In addition to his work with the CBOE, he has taught options strategies at the Options Industry Council (OIC), the International Securities Exchange (ISE), CME Group, the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, The Shanghai Futures Exchange and many leading options-based brokerage firms.
Dan is a frequent contributor to Bloomberg Business Television, FOX Business News, The TD Ameritrade Network and CBOE TV, and a resource to print journalists on markets, trading and investing.

John Kmiecik
John brings with him a vast amount of knowledge from being in the trading arena for well over 25 years. He has worked his way up from accounting to the trading floor for firms such as Goldman Sachs, First Options of Chicago and Lind-Waldock, just to name a few. Options trading intrigued John and has led to a very successful career as a trader.
In 2005 John decided to share his passion with others. He has coached hundreds of traders one-on-one and in various group settings. John prefers to work with traders on a one-on-one basis, which led him to Market Taker Mentoring Inc., which allows him to readily lend himself to his students.
John has traded both as a professional trader, trading for hedge funds, as well as an individual “retail” trader. John continues to mentor traders, has written several option and psychology of trading articles and continues to trade himself today.
John’s education strategy is simple: Let’s find what works best for the trader both mentally and from a risk perspective and let’s get him or her in that comfort zone.

John Seguin
In 1983 John started his career as a runner at the CBOT and finished as a broker with the CME group in 2002. Since then he has been educating traders on technical analysis, market profile and trend trading.
“While working my way up from runner to broker I became a student of Market Profile and it has been my tool of choice since attending one of Pete Steidlmayer’s early classes in the Market Logic School,” John says. “I use this tool almost exclusively when publishing daily newsletters for institutional accounts, fund managers and proprietary traders. I soon began to teach how to interpret price action using this technical tool to clients and colleagues throughout the U.S. and Europe.”
When industry migration from trading pit to screen began to unfold, John left the exchange floor but continued to produce daily commentary for traders while developing a charting program he had been passionate about for years. The idea was to create a tool (along with the education) that would give off-the-floor traders the skills to compete with professionals.