“Being a trader makes me feel free”
Memberships, Courses and Workshops
Fast Tracks
Confident traders who’ve mastered the foundation of option trading simply trade better. Want the easiest way to Fast Track your success as an option trader? Join NOW free and kick start your trading with simple, easy-to-follow trainings and resources.
It’s been called the “most supportive trader Community in the world.”
We meet online every Monday Morning to prepare our traders for the week ahead, just like traders at top “prop” trading firms do.
In our Chatroom, coaches and our top traders share live trade ideas, answer questions and nurture your trading all day long, real time.
Build your solid foundation with the Options Risk Training Course, Video Tutorials, Checklists, Strategy Guides and Blue Prints. Everything you need to start to feel like “the smartest guy in the room.”
We’ll share our “Take” every week, email you powerful educational resources and broaden your skills in live webinars. And you’ll enjoy Member discounts too.
The best part: It’s all Free.

Subscription Memberships
The MTM Trade Smart Workshop
Want to learn from a veteran trader with nearly three decades of real-world experience? Each week author and former CBOE pit trader Dan Passarelli shares a lifetime of experience in a live webinar training session, so you can level up your trading quickly, without having to learn from “the black and the blue.” Dan breaks down even the most complex trading topics, tactics and techniques to uncover how options really work, in the real world, so you can level up your trading fast.

The Market Taker LIVE Advantage Group Coaching
If someone who worked at Goldman Sachs for many years literally gave you ideas on what to trade every morning, could you be a more profitable trader? If you could run your trade ideas by him before risking your money, would that save you costly mistakes? Head Coach John Kmiecik scans the market for hours every day to find only the best trades you can make and shares them with you each morning, saving you time and lifting your trading.

The MTM Daily Edge
As a trader, you rely on critical information, insights and confidence to manage risk and make the best trades you can. This is critical. Traders can only thrive with proper information and guidance. The MTM Daily Edge is like the research desk at top “prop” trading firms. You can have the same access and Edge as the world’s best traders.

Drilldown Courses and Workshops
Everyone trades differently. If a trader can master just one technique, that trader can be extremely successful. In fact, many traders make a living—a good living—by trading one system.
But it can be a challenge unless you know exactly what to do every time. We’ve made it easy, by creating step-by-step Trading Systems to follow so you’ll be able to confidently and competently make it work.
Whether you’re an aspiring trader in need of trade ideas to follow, an active options trader seeking consistency, or an investor pursuing greater returns with less risk, our Courses and Workshops are designed to move you ahead and reach your trading goals.
How It Works

Explore the path that will move your trading forward.
Or take the first step and Join Free NOW to Fast Track your training.
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